
「傳恩惠您」成立於2009年6月,並於2012年12月12日正式註冊成為香港非牟利機構(編號91/12252) 。本機構團隊的核心成員,乃經已擁有超過20年的跨國性電腦科技公司、互聯網應用及遊戲營運的經驗,同時具備10年以上國際性的社福機構管理背景。
智研德育 (iCare Edutainment) 為資訊科技社會企業,成立於 2014年,為香港非牟利機構「傳恩惠您」(編號91/12252) 旗下的社會企業。專注於親子資訊科技培訓及學習障礙(SEN)的青少年人才培育;透過資訊科技幫助弱勢社群建立謀生技能,服務對象為學習障礙的學童家庭及其照顧者。
旗下的社企項目「iCare智研德育」為五年計劃,於2014年成立,透過年度活動「iCare Award」及培訓項目「iCare開發者大會」,推動「寓教於樂」的電子學習項目。機構非常感恩獲得世界各地知名公司Apple、Microsoft、App Annie、AIA的支持及贊助,與及中港台的資訊科技行業龍頭企業,齊心通力協作為多家社福機構及學校,舉辦網路及新媒體應用工作坊,支援各區低收入家庭及長者。
2019年是「iCare智研德育」第二個五年計劃的開端,iCare策略性地選擇在廣州設立我們的 AI 研發中心及15-25歲身體有殘缺心理有障礙的青少年人的大型培訓基地,專注於SEN嬰幼兒智能玩具,教育及益智類的智能軟件硬件應用工具研發,並且建立大數據庫,研究如何更有目標有質素及成效,培訓自閉症、過度活躍症、語言障礙、讀寫障礙、社交障礙、視障、職障及智力發展障礙青少年加入iCare在粵港澳大灣區各地的研發團隊中,負責策劃、美術、內容製作及線上線下的宣傳推廣工作。
由新加坡眾籌平台Simply Giving提供信用卡捐款技術支援:
抬頭「傳恩惠您有限公司」或「Honor U Ministry Ltd.」
香港新界元朗派遞局 郵政信箱 737號
P.O. Box No. 737, Yuen Long Delivery Office, Hong Kong
電話:852-3481 1311
iCare Creator「益智教育軟件開發者」培育計劃,榮獲2019年度香港資訊及通訊科技獎兩個獎項:
評審委員會評語: 此項目憑著創辦人夫婦的熱誠及豐富經驗,透過資訊科技幫助弱勢社群建立謀生技能。項目具有顯著的價值,不僅為SEN學童和家長提供協助,同時亦增強了SEN學童自我發展的能力。 |
[iCare創辦人 Tiffany 得獎感言 ]
智研德育 (iCare Edutainment) 為資訊科技社會企業,成立於 2012年12月12日,專注於親子資訊科技培訓及學習障礙(SEN)的青少年人才培育;透過資訊科技幫助弱勢社群建立謀生技能,服務對象為學習障礙的青少年及其照顧者。
「iCare Creator」是推動弱勢社群投身資訊科技行列的數碼共融培育計劃;透過「職涯規劃」培育方式,引導SEN學童家庭創作益智教育遊戲及動畫,並且傳遞積極正面價值觀,進而於iCare社會企業內提供工作實習崗位。
iCare亦是全球第一家「社會企業遊戲公司」,以推出益智教育遊戲及應用程式App 為目標;創辦人夫婦已於資訊科技及遊戲開發行業具有24年經驗。在「iCare Creator」培育計劃過程中,特意引入專業而且正規遊戲公司的運作模式,按著SEN年青人的才華與天賦,因才施教,個別地培訓他們擔任遊戲策劃、資料搜集、宣傳營運、美術設計及動畫製作等多個既獨立又密不可分的遊戲公司工作崗位,並且技巧地對特殊學障員工們灌輸分工合作及團隊精神的重要性。感謝香港遊戲行業內有二十多家公司的負責人身體力行一起參與本項目,協助擔任企業義工、導師及分享嘉賓。
現時 iCare Creator 正在進入第二階段,我們除製作益智遊戲及App外,正在研發遊戲引擎;目標是讓世界各地有心於教育及SEN學童培訓的朋友,都可以用現時科技所需的10%時間及人力成本,創造出更多精彩而且富於品格教育內容的益智教育App或遊戲。
iCare Creator數碼共融項目仍在起步階段,我們邀請您一起關顧這個被忽略的群體,給予他們機會、肯定及尊嚴!這不單止是提供培訓及就業機會給SEN年青人,更讓SEN家庭重燃希望。期待看見我們業界未來能夠培養出更多有心有力而且有品有格的專業人才,帶著無虧的良心及使命感,令世界變得更精彩!讓更多人因為有我們一群SEN青少年人的作品,莫論時日如何,皆能夠自信地活出不再一樣的懸盼望人生,經歷……愛與被愛。
If nobody truly cares, i…. Care.
2019年,iCare策略性地選擇在廣州設立我們的 AI 研發中心及15-25歲身體有殘缺心理有障礙的青少年人的大型培訓基地,專注於SEN嬰幼兒智能玩具,教育及益智類的智能軟件硬件應用工具研發,並且建立大數據庫,研究如何更有目標有質素及成效,培訓自閉症、過度活躍症、語言障礙、讀寫障礙、社交障礙、視障、職障及智力發展障礙青少年加入iCare在粵港澳大灣區各地的研發團隊中,負責策劃、美術、內容製作及線上線下的宣傳推廣工作。
[iCare創辦人 Tiffany 榮獲智慧市民年度大獎得獎感言 (7min.) ]
Hong Kong ICT Awards 2019:
Comments from Judging Panel: This Programme is driven by a pair of very passionate, hightly experienced and tech-savvy couple. By means of simple technology tallor-made for the disadvantaged group. It helps their long-term career planning. This programme has significant value, not only for providing assistance to the SEN students and parents, but also in strengthening the self-development of the students. |
iCare Edutainment is an IT social enterprise founded on December 12th of 2012. We are dedicated to the IT training of young talents with SEN (Special Education Needs) and their parents. We help socially vulnerable groups – students with SEN and their parents or caretakers acquire life skills by offering them IT training.
iCare Creator is a digital inclusion training program that helps socially vulnerable groups involve in the IT industry. By offering training in their long-term career planning, we guide SEN families to create educational moral games and animation, and to promote positive values among the SEN community and the society. We also provide job opportunities under our social enterprise of iCare.
iCare is also the first IT Social Enterprise in the world that focuses on gaming. Our goal is to create educational moral games and apps. The founder couple attained 24 years’ experience in IT and game developing. In iCare Creator training program, we have introduced the business model of professional gaming companies. According to each individual’s diversified talents, we offer them respective career training in gaming jobs such as Game Project Design, Information Research, Marketing and Promotion, Art Design and Animation. These independent jobs in gaming companies are closely connected with each other as well. Besides, we skillfully instill in them the importance of group task distribution and teamwork. We would like to thank the leaders from over 20 gaming companies in Hong Kong for their participation in our program. They act as volunteers, mentors and guest speakers who share experience with us.
In the past, young people with SEN were mostly overlooked or marginalized by our society in their personal growth, school education and job opportunities. In terms of career training, they were usually trained for some labor intensive roles as well as a limited choice of entry level jobs. This group of people has been categorized, and even their parents have lost Hope, thinking their children would only be able to work as entry level labors.
iCare firmly believe in the application of IT. We do not only create programs for people who need help, but also inspire them to create from within. We sincerely believe that the sky will have no limit when it comes to the creative potential of young people with SEN. We strongly believe they are unique talents in the global market ! As long as we offer them suitable work environment, mentorship training that meets their exact needs, intelligent tools customized for them and proper guidance in team interaction, this group of people would be extremely valuable and loyal human resources in our future global market.
iCare Edutainment Games Series is co-designed and co-created by the joint efforts of a group of SEN youth. This series of smart phone apps has been made with the purpose of enjoying the fun learning and quality time accompanied by parents. Since over a year ago, we have created more than 430 Moral Games with 4 million downloads from 221 countries, which ranks as no.1 in 21 countries.
Currently, iCare Creator has come to the second stage. We are researching and developing Game Engine except for creating Moral Games. Our goal is to enable people around the world who are interested in education and SEN youth training to create more wonderful and relevant moral education apps or games, at only 10% of time and labor cost required by the current technology.
“iCare Creator” Digital Inclusion Project has just started, and we invite you to care for this neglected group and to give them opportunities, affirmation and respect. It’s not only providing training and job opportunities to the SEN youth, but also help their families re-kindle the Hope of life. We look forward to seeing more capable and caring professionals in our industry in the future. We hope that these kind souls will make this world a better place with a sense of mission ! We hope that more people can live a different life with self-confidence because of the SEN youth’s works. We hope that they can love and be loved.
If nobody truly cares, i…. Care.
In 2019, iCare strategically set up our AI development center and a large-scale youth training base in Guangzhou. These trainees are 15 to 25 years old and have physical disabilities or phycological impairments. We will focus on developing intellectual smart toys for SEN babies and toddlers, as well as developing software and hardware apps of moral games and training tools. A big data base is being built to work on how to more purposefully, skillfully and effectively train the youth with SEN. The special education needs cover autism, ADHD and impairments in speech, reading, writing, social, visual and intelligence growth. We are trying to bring these young people to iCare’s R&D teams across the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, so they can be built up to be the in charge of project design, visual art, content creation and online & offline marketing and promotion for the next generations.
香港特區首長林鄭月娥 GBM GBS, 香港創新及科技局局長 楊偉雄 GBS JP, 政府資訊科技總監 林偉喬先生 JP, 最終評審委員會主席 香港中文大學校長 段崇智教授 莅臨智慧市民年度大獎展位,支持一班身心殘障的年青人。
Miss Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, GBM, GBS (Chief Executive of HKSAR)
Mr Nicholas Yang Wei-hsiung, GBS, JP (Secretary for Innovation and Technology of HKSAR)
Mr Victor LAM, JP (Government Chief Information Officer of HKSAR)
Grand Judging Panel Chairman:
Prof Rocky TUAN (Vice-Chancellor and President of The Chinese University of Hong Kong)